9,215 research outputs found

    Organizational Conflict Resolution and Strategic Choice: Evidence from a Survey of Fortune 1000 Companies

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    In this paper we develop the argument that a firm’s ADR strategies are likely to be associated with a firm’s use of one conflict resolution option or the other. More specifically, we examine whether a firm’s use of either arbitration or mediation is a function of (1) the extent to which the use of either of these dispute resolution processes aligns with the goals and objectives management is seeking to advance, and (2) the extent of the firm’s commitment to the use of these practices. We expect to find that an organization’s use of either mediation or arbitration may be governed by different underlying strategic objectives as well as the firm’s broader commitment to ADR. In what follows, we further develop this strategic choice argument

    Organizational Strategies for the Adoption of Electronic Medical Records: Toward an Understanding of Outcome Variation in Nursing Homes

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    [Excerpt] An important element in president-elect Obama\u27s economic stimulus proposal is his plan to invest a significant proportion of federal dollars in installing electronic medical records (EMR) in U.S. healthcare institutions. In emphasizing the need for EMR, Obama is following the advice of numerous healthcare experts who have pointed out that the healthcare sector lags behind other industries in the use of computer technology. They believe the widespread use of EMR would help reduce medical errors, control the costs of healthcare, and lead to significant improvements in the quality of care Americans receive. In this paper we present preliminary results of an ongoing study of the introduction of EMR in 20 nursing homes in the New York City area. Although most observers believe EMR holds great promise for the improvement of healthcare, in fact recent studies have found mixed evidence regarding the effect of EMR on patient outcomes. The evidence we have gathered to date suggests that whether EMR has beneficial effects on the costs and quality of healthcare depends very much on the purposes and objectives nursing home managers and administrators intend to achieve through its use. That is, management strategy and style, we believe, strongly influences healthcare outcomes associated with technological innovation

    Utilizing Visual Attention and Inclination to Facilitate Brain-Computer Interface Design in an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Sample

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    Individuals who suffer from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have a loss of motor control and possibly the loss of speech. A brain-computer interface (BCI) provides a means for communication through nonmuscular control. Visual BCIs have shown the highest potential when compared to other modalities; nonetheless, visual attention concepts are largely ignored during the development of BCI paradigms. Additionally, individual performance differences and personal preference are not considered in paradigm development. The traditional method to discover the best paradigm for the individual user is trial and error. Visual attention research and personal preference provide the building blocks and guidelines to develop a successful paradigm. This study is an examination of a BCI-based visual attention assessment in an ALS sample. This assessment takes into account the individual’s visual attention characteristics, performance, and personal preference to select a paradigm. The resulting paradigm is optimized to the individual and then tested online against the traditional row-column paradigm. The optimal paradigm had superior performance and preference scores over row-column. These results show that the BCI needs to be calibrated to individual differences in order to obtain the best paradigm for an end user

    Improving Brain-Computer Interface Performance: Giving the P300 Speller Some Color.

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    Individuals who suffer from severe motor disabilities face the possibility of the loss of speech. A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) can provide a means for communication through non-muscular control. Current BCI systems use characters that flash from gray to white (GW), making adjacent character difficult to distinguish from the target. The current study implements two types of color stimulus (grey to color [GC] and color intensification [CI]) and I hypotheses that color stimuli will; (1) reduce distraction of nontargets (2) enhance target response (3) reduce eye strain. Online results (n=21) show that GC has increased information transfer rate over CI. Mean amplitude revealed that GC had earlier positive latency than GW and greater negative amplitude than CI, suggesting a faster perceptual process for GC. Offline performance of individual optimal channels revealed significant improvement over online standardized channels. Results suggest the importance of a color stimulus for enhanced response and ease of use

    Facilitating transformative learning. Department of Adult and Community Education NUI Maynooth

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    This report is about research carried out with sixty-two tutors who have worked on the Certificate in Counselling Skills at the Department of Adult and Community Education, NUI Maynooth. This course is a foundation-level course, conducted at NUI Maynooth and at outreach centres throughout the Republic of Ireland, and it has attracted over 14,000 students since it began in 1984. It has developed within a context where the profession of counselling has emerged as separate from psychology, and in a social context of a growing awareness of the role of counseling. The course is also unique in the field of counseling education, in that it has adopted from the start an educational stance rather than a therapeutic one. All the course tutors are qualified and, for the most part, practising counsellors. Many who were core to the course in its early days were also heavily involved in establishing the Irish Association for Counselling and Therapy (IACT), now the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP)

    Irrigation in pine nurseries

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    This review provides information and opinions about irrigation practices in pine nurseries. Even when nurseries receive more than 15 mm of rainfall week-1, managers irrigate seedbeds to increase germination, increase seed efficiency, and increase root growth. In the southern United States, a 7-month old pine seedling in an outdoor nursery typically receives 2 to 6 kg of water supplied from either sprinklers (39 nurseries) or center-pivot irrigation (12 nurseries). Most nursery managers do not intentionally subject the crop to moisture stress, since most reforestation sites receive adequate rainfall, and many studies show that reducing root mass does not increase seedling performance. In fact, nursery profits can be reduced by more than $13,000 ha-1 when deficit irrigation reduces average seedling diameter by 1 mm. Although some researchers believe that failure to properly drought stress pine seedlings might increase outplanting mortality by up to 75%, research over the past 40 years does not support that myth. When pine seedlings average 5 mm (at the root-collar), water stress is not a reliable method of increasing tolerance to an October freeze event. In several greenhouse trials, researchers grew and tested seedlings that nursery managers would classify as culls (i.e., dry root mass < 0.5 g). Unfortunately, it is common for researchers to make irrigation recommendations without first developing a water-production function curve

    Reflexivity and the Guidance Counsellor

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    Reflexivity is one of those buzz words that gets bandied about in a field such as guidance counselling. It is not always clear what is meant by it. It might be of some help to unravel the term “reflexivity” somewhat and see what it might have to offer guidance practitioners
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